Matt Godden

human : artist

Bring content into view.

addict’s whore goddess

Well, this was my personal apocalypse piece for the year. Done in the same drawing subject as the St Mary’s piece, I obsessed over this work from the time I woke, until I fell asleep. What I wanted to get to was the, well, horror and revulsion these trees evoke, combined with the overt sexuality of their forms. I imagined (yeah imagined *cough* – hey look over there) what they must be like to someone under the influence of any number of substances, illicit or otherwise, and tried to conjure up this screaming, commanding monster of a deity, all demanding, and all consuming. It helps to keep in mind the park this tree occupies is frequented by junkies.

When I first showed it to the teacher, his answer was “Yeah, it’s very illustrative, like a cover for a horror story”. I guess people can only judge things by their own experience.