Matt Godden

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Far Cry 3 Glitches & Bugs

This is a living list of the glitches and bugs, and general “this is not a fit and proper product for sale” nonsense I’ve had while playing the Far Cry 3 multiplayer mode on Xbox Live.

  • Can’t find servers – 5-10 minute waits to get into a team deathmatch game at times.
  • Lag.
  • Killed and shown hits in a place I had been seconds earlier, where there hadn’t been any gunfire.
  • the bug where another player is raining from the sky as they run along.
  • button unresponsiveness – crouch button not working until I’ve jumped
  • spawning in places where you’re caught on the collision map, requiring a jump to be able to move.
  • spawning in places where you’re caught on the collision map, and jumping doesn’t work, leaving suicide as the only option.
  • stuck in aim mode after using and releasing a mounted weapon.
  • “committed suicide” while randomly walking or running along a flat piece of ground with no weapons fire.
  • killed in one place, then magically teleported to the other side of the map to bleed out.
  • reloading a half full weapon empties it of all but 1 round.
  • killed and told I couldn’t be revived because I had been revived already, despite this having not happened.
  • had my view wrenched in un-commanded directions while shooting at enemies.
  • reloaded a weapon, then immediately revived someone, then find the reload has unhappened after the revive animation is complete.
  • get killed and then fall through the map, plummeting through empty space as the terrain disappears into the distance above me.
  • get killed, have my body catch fire, respawn on fire and lose all my health.
  • get killed, respawn and immediately die again in a secluded area with no enemy present.
  • unbalanced numbers on teams. One occasion playing on a team of 2 against 10.
  • reload a weapon, attempt to shoot with a full magazine, reload sequence is triggered again, get killed by the person I was attempting to shoot.
  • kicked from server due to being idle, while running around on the map looking for someone to kill.
  • Spawn into the beginning of the game, with no weapons.
  • everyone else frozen while I can still run around, and kill all the opposing players, and keep killing them when they’re on the ground.
  • Falling off the ship and getting stuck a foot deep into the deck below.