Matt Godden

human : artist

Bring content into view.

Week 23 of 52

This week saw processing of all The Metaning pages – adding scanned text boxes, tweaking rotation of the images, and setting up the exporting process to build the final retina quality images.

The originals of these are around 50mb out of the camera, and then converted to photoshop files at full size, with text boxes added, they come in at a round 450mb, per page. It’s a lot of process to set up, but once done the actual construction of the ePub is more or less automated.

I’m still playing the waiting game on the Nervous Spaces ePub, but hopefully that will be sorted soon. Once this is out of the way, I can get the final part of Surfing The Deathline done, and then the bulk of the final half of my grant year will be dedicated to sculpture.