2024 – Week 20

Tech gremlins continue with my photography network drive refusing to stay unmounted – something keeps re-mounting it over the network, so I’m doing some basic elimination testing to solve the problem.

By Wednesday, it was beginning to look like the problem may be SuperDuper!’s method of duplicating the disk.

Things I did to eliminate problems included:

  • Duplicating the server volume and switching names with the duplicate – the volume with the “correct” name gets auto-mounts.
  • Creating a blank drive and giving it the name – the volume auto-mounts.
  • Deleting the contents of the copy on the workstation – the volume auto-mounts.

So Thursday was spent on a great re-wiring – I’m burning the user account and operating system to the ground, and going to try an install on the new Samsung Evo Pro drive.

The operating system install went well – booting was stable on the Evo Pro, wake sleep likewise. The only glitch wasI had to unplug displays and replug them in a specific order to get the numbering consistent between the displays prefpane, and SwitchResX.

Sketchup and the weird mirror to an iPad thing to get measurements the right way around worked ok as well.

I discovered my Mac Mini, which is now just an Aperture / iTunes machine, is capable of using iTunes with the music drive as a network share, thouh my hopes of networking it via Thunderbolt were dealt a blow, as the Mac Pro won’t sleep while they’re connected. I may have to virtualise iTunes more aggressively than I’d hoped. First step will be to put the preferences file on the Music drive, and then symlink to it from the preferences directory of the Mac Mini – which worked splendidly.