2024 – Week 26

Halfway through the year of Getting Shit Done, and I’m on the closing stretch of cleaning up and fixing Surfing The Deathine from the discovery of how broken it was after some modifications I made on my old workstation. The work is going well, I’m pretty content with how InDesign functions in VMWare Fusion.

The big news this week, is I decided to buy myself a 50th birthday present – on the assumption that not much is going to happen in terms of house movements etc by the time my actual birthday rolls around.

So, I bought a Nikon D850 – it’s basically an almost obsolesced camera, given Nikon have moved to mirrorless, but my reasoning is that this is the best, final evolution of the DSLR, whereas the new mirrorless models are the early version one editions. It won’t be here for a coupe of weeks, as it has to be ordered from Nikon Australia by the retailer, but it was available for ~$500 off and that took it into the realm of “I can recoup this with a few months interest on my savings”. I also bought something I’d wanted for a while – a filter holder, and circular polariser for my giant, bulbous 14-24 lens.

I’d also been toying with the idea of a tilt / shift lens, but they were around $5000, and I think I was interested more in a FOMO sense because they were discontinued recently. Thankfully that anxiety was removed from me, as they’re not available from Nikon Australia.

So maybe as a longer term plan, when I know what is happening with my housing situation, I’ll think about digital backs, and technical cameras.