Matt Godden

human : artist

Bring content into view.

Week 14 of 52

This is the week I cracked the EPUB puzzle. Monday evening saw the first development version of The Metaning up and running on iOS devices. Tuesday saw another leap, as I converted the project to EPUB3 iBooks format, which means I was able to ditch the skeuomorphic paper stack and spine dip look, and just get the flat page spreads.

I feel really hyped about this, as it’s a major road block surmounted in getting not only The Metaning, but also Surfing The Deathline out in a saleable digital form. These were significant parts of my ArtStart plan.

Saturday & Sunday nights saw photography runthroughs of The Metaning, at both f5.6 and f8. While 5.6 is allegedly the sharpest aperture for my lens, f8 looks sharper to my eye. Unfortunately, I’m running into a problem with the ink lines picking up a reflection from the lights, so I’ve got to do some more experimenting with positioning to see if I can get around it.

In other news, I found out I’ve been accepted to the University of Western Sydney Sculpture Award and Exhibition for 2014, crossing off another ArtStart goal to apply for and be accepted into exhibitions. It’s a nice morale pick-me-up after missing out on Hidden at Rookwood, Willoughby, Woollarha and the John Fries exhibitions. I’m going to be reworking some themes and materials I’ve used before, and hopefully will be able to create something that’s small enough to be practical (and able to be disassembled), yet large enough to sit in an enclosed yet outdoor context.