Matt Godden

human : artist

Bring content into view.

Category : Virtual Reality

Experiments in the artistic application of Virtual Reality. These works have been created primarily with Tilt Brush, an application that allows one to paint in three dimensional space. Another application, Kodon, is a sculpting tool, allowing one to manipulate digital clay.

Key to this medium, is an understanding that the controllers, as well as the VR headset, which delivers stereoscopically offset video to your eyes, are tracked within a three dimensional space. This allows you, and the objects you create, to share a consistent physical relationship with each other. The upshot of this, is that your proprioceptive sense – the thing that makes you feel that you exist within the physical boundaries of your body, and that the objects around you do the same, experience VR environments exactly the same way as they do the real world.

While the graphics may not look “real”, the experience of their physicality feels real.

Noosa Mnemonic

Creation of a real location (on New Year’s Eve), entirely from memory, for my Noosa Mnemonic project. VR allows one to work at 1:1 scale, to recreate places at the size you remember them being, relative to your own body.

VR Narrative Environment Demo

Demonstrating the ability to craft a narrative experience within a medium defined by the user’s ability to direct their attention wherever they like. In this case, the trail of signposts are used to build a pattern of attention capture, and the waterfall provides a controlled opportunity for user rebellion – for the viewer to not read the final sign straight away, but still have their attention directed away from the surprise.

VR Animation Brush Demo

An experiment in the potential of animation-based brushes in a VR painting application, in creating dynamic experiential locations, in which one can walk around.