Matt Godden

human : artist

Bring content into view.

Category : photography

Capturing reflected light on a surface.

Planet Serenghetto

The final proof of concept for my Little Planet production process. This is the image where everything clicked into place – camera, panoramic mount, and stitching software. Shooting before dawn in this location yielded a number of images. The other major finished piece – Dawn at The Serenghetto Waterhole, was entered into the Head-On photo competition.

planet roundabout

My first attempt at a little planet shot with my Nikon D800 and 60mm lens. 142 images total went into stitching this together. This is a proof of concept – as you can see the flare in the lens to the right hand side. I’ll control for that in future

March In May

Documentation of the March In May protests in Sydney. The march moved from Belmore Park near central station, to Victoria Park at Broadway. It took more than half an hour for the entire sea of people to move past.